Adoption Application Adoption Questionaire PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWINGBelow you will find several fields which need to be filled out to the best of your ability. Being detailed and specific will increase your chances of being considered to adopt one of our Huskies.Which Husky are you interested in adopting? (If you are selecting interest for a specific type of dog choose those options below)(Required)Adult (Any) FemaleAdult (Any) MalePuppy (Any) FemalePuppy (Any) Male)Mika – Adult (Female)Chelsea – Adult (Female)Parker – Adult (Male)Kolton – Adult (Male)Kameron – Adult (Male)Chance – Adult (Male)Sarabi – Shepsky Puppy (Female)Frasier – Adult (Male)Yelena – Adult (Female)This field is hidden when viewing the formIs the Husky your are interested in listed as an adult or puppy? Adult Puppy Other Puppies are considered “Foster-to-Adopt, and additional requirements apply)This field is hidden when viewing the formDue to the abundant interest in adopting our huskies we ask that you submit an email request for the access to our application (this is temporary and will revert back soon) Enter Email Confirm Email This field is hidden when viewing the formCell PhonePersonal InformationTell us about you. Be as detailed as possible in all of your answers. The more information you can provide us with, the higher your chances of getting approved. Be honest and open as any false information will result in rejection of your application.Primary Applicant(Required) First Last The name of the person who holds the most responsibility for the Husky being adopted.Primary Applicant's Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City AlabamaAlaskaAmerican SamoaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaGuamHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthern Mariana IslandsOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaPuerto RicoRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahU.S. Virgin IslandsVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingArmed Forces AmericasArmed Forces EuropeArmed Forces Pacific State ZIP Code Where will you house the newly adopted Husky?Cell Phone(Required)Alternate PhoneEmail(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Is there a Secondary Applicant? (Spouse, Roommate, Etc.)(Required) Yes No This only applies if they are equally responsible for the HuskySecondary Applicant's Name First Last Secondary Applicant's Cell PhoneSecondary Applicant's Email Enter Email Confirm Email Please list all other people in your household and your relationship to them.NameAgeRelationship Add Remove(Use the (+) symbol to add more rows for more pets – enter n/a if not applicable)About Your HomeDo you own or rent your home?(Required) Own Rent Type of home?(Required) House Condo/Townhome Apartment Other Is your yard fenced in?(Required) Yes, ≥6 feet fence with a door and locked Yes, <6 feet fence with a door and locked Yes, not secured though No Other Is there a pool?(Required) Yes, fenced and gated Yes, no fence No Complete list of your current pets (All types, everything from fish to livestock) in your household.Species & BreedGenderGenderNeutered/Spayed?Temperament Add Remove(Use the (+) symbol to add more rows for more pets – enter n/a if not applicable)Employment SituationDo you work? (Primary Applicant) Full-time Part-time Retired Other Do you work? (Secondary Applicant) Full-time Part-time Retired Other Please tell us how your work situation will impact the Husky's life. (How many hours daily do you think the Husky may spend time alone? Will You crate/kennel the Husky while you are away?)About Your Plans For Your New HuskyWhen your home, where will your Husky spend it's time?(Required) Indoors Indoors/Outdoors Outdoors When you are not home, where will the Husky spend it's time? Indoors, free-roaming Indoors, in a crate/kennel (Recommended) Outdoors With a dog sitter Other Please Describe Your AnswerBe detailed and specific since Arizona is a severe weather state we’re making sure the Husky is safe.Husky Characteristics(Required) I understand the characteristics of a Husky and agree to the responsibilities of my new Husky.Huskies have unique needs that should be attended to on a daily basis. They are a very prey driven animal and should be monitored when near any small animal. Exercise is essential to your new husky’s health and they should have some time to walk/run/play with you daily. It’s important to stimulate your new husky mentally as well, so we encourage you contunially train your husky to help keep them engaged in prosocial activities. We must stress that biting play be discouraged as this can lead to an accident.Medical Care & Health(Required) I understand the costs and maintenance/care of my new Husky.My new husky requires routine medical care through a licensed veterinarian. I also acknowledge that I should feed my new husky a balanced diet on a schedule daily. If for any reason a medical need arises I will seek out care as soon as possible (especially in a life-threatening situation). I commit to the financial reasonability associated with my new husky now and going forward.Home Checks(Required) I understand that the in-person home check must be completed.I understand that a representative from KD’s Husky Rescue AZ will make an initial home check to verify the above information is accurate, this can be done virtually (only for the initial check). There will be a final in-person check performed by an authorized agent of KD’s Husky Rescue AZ before any adoption can be finalized.Adoption Fees I agree to the privacy policy.There is a $400 fee for Adult Huskies and a $500 upfront fee for puppies (We classify a Husky as a puppy up to one-year-old). A signed adoption contract must be filled out (you are doing that now) and the adoption fee must be paid to KD’s Husky Rescue AZ (via Zelle or PayPal) before the dog officially becomes yours! There is a 7-day grace period for refunds after which no refund will be given. No adoption will be finalized without the fees being paid.Primary Applicant's Signature(Required)I acknowledge all information provided is true and correct. I understand if I have misrepresented myself in any way the animal I am adopting will not be left in my care or will be removed from my home. This signed contract will be used for verification.Secondary Applicant's SignatureI acknowledge all information provided is true and correct. I understand if I have misrepresented myself in any way the animal I am adopting will not be left in my care or will be removed from my home. This signed contract will be used for verification.Foster With the Intent to AdoptThis only applies to those who are entering into a foster with the intent to adopt a contract. ALL puppies are fostered with the intent to adopt.Foster With the Intent to Adopt Fee Structure I agree to the privacy policy.If the animal is an adult Husky >1` year old there is a $200 upfront fee due at the time of possession and $200 due at the adoption finalization which is a maximum of 4 weeks. If the animal is a Husky puppy there is a $500 upfront fee due at the time of possession and $0 additional due at the finalization of the adoption which occurs when all medical requirements have been met. Ownership of the Animal I agree that until all medical requirements are met KD’s Husky Rescue AZ is the sole owner of the animal I am interested in adopting.KD’S Husky Rescue AZ retains ownership of the animal and the adoption will not be finalized until all medical requirements are met.Regarding Instructions Given I agree to follow all instructions pertaining to the animal given by KD’s Husky Rescue AZ, failure to comply could result in termination of the foster with the intent to adopt agreement.Any specific instructions that are given pertaining to the maintenance and care of the animal must be followed. If there are any concerns or questions you must contact a KD’S Husky Rescue AZ representativeCare and Medication I agree to be responsible for the well-being, care, and medication administration for the animal as directed by KD’s Husky Rescue AZ.This animal will be provided the proper care, food, water, exercise, and regular stimulation. If any medications are prescribed the instructions must be followed.Love & Kindness I agree to treat the animal as one of my own family, to love and cherish them as they deserve.Acceptance of this animal means that I agree to love and care for the animal as my own. Returning the Husky I must return the animal to KD’s Husky Rescue AZ in the event I no longer wish to keep the animal.Under no circumstances may this animal be sold, given-away/tranfered, or turned into a shelter. You may not surrender this animal to another rescue without prior authorization from KD’s Husky Rescue AZ. Responsible Ownership I agree to supervise the animal at all times and ensure the animal is in a safe and loving home.This refers to walking the animal on a leash when outside of your home (no free roaming) and being prepared to introduce and socialize the animal with other animals and humans.Veterinary Needs I agree to the policy concerning veterinary care, both standard and emergency care.In the event Veterinary care is needed, I will contact a representative of KD’s Husky Rescue AZ. All vet appointments must be approved and the animal must be taken to a Veterinarian approved by KD’s Husky Rescue AZ. Any medical treatment due to negligence or the animal being taken to an unapproved vet will not be covered by KD’s Husky Rescue AZ, an exception may apply for emergency care.Required Vaccines, Plus Spaying/Neutering I agree to the vaccine and spay/neuter requirements as well as agree to transport the animal myself to these appointments.Vaccines are mandatory as well as Spaying/Neutering is mandatory. Fostering means I agree to transport the animal to any vaccine, or spay/neuter appointments. All required vaccines and the Spay/Neuter must be completed prior to finalizing the adoption contract. All Veterinary appointments will be made through a KD’s Husky Rescue AZ representative.Future Medical Cost and New Ownership I agree to the future medical cost disclosure and the adoption finalization process.Once all medical requirements are met I will be forwarded all medical records, the signed adoption contract, microchip information, and a new-owner checklist. Such records may take up to 7 days, however, once the listed requirements are met the animal is yours and you will become responsible for any future veterinary medical costs.Damages to Person or Property I agree to not hold KD’s Husky Rescue AZ liable for any damages to person(s) or property as a result of possessing the animal.KD’s Husky Rescue AZ is not responsible or liable for any injury to person(s) or property, or any medical condition(s) that may occur while you possess the animal. There may be exposure to medical or behavioral conditions that may not have been recognized however, we also cannot guarantee that these issues or concerns will not develop in the future on their own.Primary Applicant's SignatureI acknowledge all information provided is true and correct. I understand if I have misrepresented myself in any way the animal I am adopting will not be left in my care or will be removed from my home. The signed contract will be used for verification.Seconday Applicant's SignatureI acknowledge all information provided is true and correct. I understand if I have misrepresented myself in any way the animal I am adopting will not be left in my care or will be removed from my home. The signed contract will be used for verification.