
Scan this QR Code to be directed to our donation account. Or you can send it to the email listed.

KD'S HUSKY RESCUE AZ Zelle account QR Code.


You may scan the QR Code, only if you have a PayPal account, presented here to make direct payments to the rescue via PayPal. If you do not have an account click on the yellow donate button below instead.

paypalrescue qrcode

Go Fund Me

You may click the GoFundMe Icon to be directed to our fundraiser.

Chewy Wish List

Our chewy with list can be found by clicking above or the logo for Chewy.

Any donation is tax deductible as we are a 501(c)(3) registered with the IRS.

Max & Neo

Through Max & Neo you can purchase many essential things for your dog including CBD Oil, Collars, Leashes, etc.

When you click these links you are automatically donating to KD'S HUCKY RESCUE AZ while you shop.
